Friday, September 12, 2008

Send your photos!

TTLLFC is looking for photos of objects that might plausibly masquerade as flying saucers (or other alien spacecraft). What qualifies? That's up to you.

Send submissions to macbot [at] yahoo dot com. Original images only, please.

(By the way, the saucer photo above was taken by Nick Redfern.)


Anonymous said...

reasons to like it #1:
...partly because the term itself was born from a mistaken interpretation...

"The modern history of UFOs perhaps begins in 1947 with an Idaho businessman and pilot named Kenneth Arnold. While flying near Mount Rainier, Washington, Arnold spotted a formation of nine silvery, disc shaped objects flying in and out of the mountains of the Cascade Range. He estimated their speed at some 1,200 miles per hour, more than twice as fast as any known aircraft of that day. He described the disc's movements to a reporter as "like pie plates skipping over the water." In his story the next day the reporter coined the term "flying saucers" and the label stuck."

Anonymous said...

by "it" - i meant your great blog concept...

Anonymous said...

Reasons to like this blog # 2:

PhotoShop saucers and viral videos have grown tedious...this blog concept touches on much deeper and more compelling topics, such as sensory perception, optical interpretation, genuine misidentification - staying on the "sauceroidal" shape also pays homage to the golden age of sightings, when UFOs had the good manners to appear as flying (and sometimes "flinged") SAUCERS, dammit!